

Welcome to my corner of the world. This is a space for me to share my travels, thoughts, and reading recommendations. For the pretty pictures, follow @joannexplores

5 Habits I've Picked Up in Self-Isolation

5 Habits I've Picked Up in Self-Isolation

I have been torn on how to feel during self-isolation. On the one hand, it’s a gift: all the free time I could ever want to finally tackle those projects or pick up those hobbies I’ve always wanted to do. On the other, there’s a sense of hopelessness that this global pandemic inevitably imbues every day with. Sometimes I simply don’t want to do anything productive at all.

Both are totally ok to feel; I’m just letting my mood dictate my day. But I thought I’d share a few healthy habits I’ve picked up that have made me feel better.


I think a lot of people these days are turning to meditation to help calm the mind. I used to think it was simply too hard: how could I possibly empty my head of all thoughts? Our brains are complex machines, and we can’t just switch them off. But I’ve since learned that that isn’t the purpose of mediation at all. It is simply to align yourself with the present and to observe your body, your mind, and your surroundings (at least that’s how I understand it, anyway). I’ve been consistently meditating for just 5 minutes every day for the past 12 days. I know that isn’t that long, but if I keep at it for long enough, I’ll eventually stretch those minutes to 10, 15, maybe 20. I also know a lot of people like to do it first thing in the morning, but I find I’m usually so excited to start my day that I can’t sit still. So I like to do it in the late afternoon or evening, when I feel like I’ve already accomplished enough and can use my meditation session to calm down.


Right after meditation, I journal for about 15 minutes. I used to have a diary as a kid, but it was just the boring “what I did today” stuff. As an adult, I just didn’t see the point in writing that down, but this time around, I’ve picked it back up because this is such a strange time in history that I want to look back on. My entries are more about my thoughts, attitude, or mood of that day, how I see the situation or what I thought about a conversation I had that day, rather than “I read my book. I walked outside. It rained.” (See, boring.)

Book Reviewing

I am in the middle of the very daunting process of trying to get a book published. At times it can feel like I’m just querying into a void, so I wanted to feel better by giving back to the very community I’m trying to get into. I signed up with Net Galley, where users can receive advanced copies of upcoming books and write reviews to generate buzz. It’s an interesting look into the publishing process, and it can be insightful to see what kind of books are coming out and how they are marketed. If you really keep at it and have enough of a social media following, you might be sent hard copies of popular upcoming books for free.


Yep, this blog is a product of self-isolation! It’s something that I’ve been meaning to start for a while now, but haven’t found the time until now. I’ve followed a few bloggers for a long time, and I like how a blog can give people a better sense of who you are (more than a tweet or Instagram caption can). Plus, it’s a place to just write more in depth about travels, books, etc.


Ok, I’ve been into photography for years now, but my usual subject is landscapes. Recently I’ve been picking up my camera to shoot other subjects, like the flowers around the yard or puppies! Sharpening a skill you already have can be just as useful as picking up a new habit.

New Zealand: South Island

New Zealand: South Island

New Zealand: North Island

New Zealand: North Island